Mini-symposium Proposals
The focus of the SMB 2021 will be on two important topics in the sciences today: Translational Research and the Promotion of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.
We encourage you to submit proposals for a mini-symposium that exemplifies these themes. We especially encourage early career professionals to submit proposals!
Each mini-symposium session will be 1 hour and 30 minutes long and will consist of 4 speakers. Each talk will be 15 minutes long followed by 5 minutes for discussion and questions.
Organizers of mini-symposia may submit a proposal for a two-part session, allowing for a total of 8 speakers. We ask that each SMB 2021 participant be a co-organizer of at most one mini-symposium. We also only allow for an individual to give at most one talk presentation during the SMB 2021, either as part of a mini-symposium or as a contributed talk or poster.
We discourage proposals in which most of the speakers and co-organizers are from the same institution.
The deadline for submission of a mini-symposium proposal is February 7, 2021. Abstracts will be collected after proposals are accepted.