Dr. Roberto Santoprete, L’Oréal Research & Innovation lab
Abstract: Science and technology are at the heart of cosmetic innovation, they allow to reinvent tomorrow's beauty and to guarantee products quality, efficacy and safety. In this talk I will start by a quick overview of the L’Oréal Research & Innovation. Then I will discuss a few examples where digital science allows us to tackle beauty evaluation or product efficacy. Finally I will illustrate an example of how physical simulation and mechanical modelling provide us with a powerful tool to deeply investigate the biological tissues and their aging processes.
Bio: I graduated in physics at the University of Pisa (Italy). During my PhD at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the Max Planck Institute of Berlin (Germany) I investigated by atomistic computer simulations how mechanical deformations affected the electronical and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures. Then, during my postdoc at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris (France), I investigated the process of growth of semiconductor nanostructures by simulating the impact of the experimental condition inside a plasma reactor. Since 2005 I have been working at the L’Oréal Research & Innovation labs as a research engineer and then as a research associate and project leader. I oversee several research projects in the area of biomechanics of the biological tissues and the mechanics of thin polymer films.
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