Dr. Odo Diekmann, Universiteit Utrecht
Abstract: In order to show that Renewal Equations offer a flexible framework for incorporating history effects and that a substantial body of theory and a growing toolbox exist, I will show
-- how these 'delay equations' arise in infectious disease models and in ecological models
-- how they define dynamical systems and why one needs some functional analysis to build theory for those dynamical systems
-- how one can use pseudospectral approximation to facilitate numerical bifurcation analysis
-- how, especially in the epidemic context, one can develop discrete time variants that are suitable for simulation.
Bio: Odo Diekmann is Emeritus Professor in Applied Mathematics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is an Honorary Editor of the Journal of Mathematical Biology. His interests are reflected in the titles of the following three books, of which he is a co-author :
i) The Dynamics of Physiologically Structured Populations, with Hans Metz;
ii) Delay Differential Equations: functional-, complex- and nonlinear analysis, with Stephan van Gils, Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel and Hans-Otto Walther;
iii) Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics, with Hans Heesterbeek and Tom Britton.
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