Skye 284

Dr. Vikram Adhikarla, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

Abstract: Targeted radionuclide therapies (TRT) involve the delivery of a radiotherapeutic to cancer cells with the goal of specifically targeting the tumor cells with radiation. In contrast to external beam radiotherapy, the agent delivering the radiation in case of TRT is present within the body. Mathematical models proposed in the field of radiotherapy have long been used to deliver external beam radiation therapies. Such models are also uniquely positioned to predict dose response of cancer cells to TRT. A successful modeling framework enables optimization of dosing and scheduling regimens of TRT, both as a monotherapy as well as a combination therapy with other therapies such as immunotherapy. Here we develop a mathematical modeling framework for TRT and extend the framework by incorporating a vasculature component in it. Along with an introduction to targeted imaging and therapy, the talk will give the audience a flavor of how mechanistic mathematical models are utilized in biological systems.

Bio: Dr. Vikram Adhikarla is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Computational and Quantitative Medicine at City of Hope in Duarte. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics in 2014 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with thesis focusing on mathematical modeling of tumor, vasculature and response to anti-angiogenic therapies. As a physicist he works on incorporating biological data in mathematical models to drive predictions. At City of Hope he focuses on targeted radionuclide therapies at both clinical and preclinical levels and uses the generated imaging and non-imaging data to drive mathematical models.

Zoom ID: 936 4929 5171
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