Abstract: In this talk, we will present an energetic variational formulation of the generalized mass-action kinetics for chemical reactions by building an analogy between chemical reactions and classical mechanics. Our general framework describes a reaction kinetics by an energy dissipation law, in which the choice of free energy determines an equilibrium, and the choice of dissipation (entropy production) determines the dynamics. Moreover, the conservation of species is embodied in the formulation. The variational framework enables us to couple chemical effects with other mechanical and thermal effects in a thermodynamically consistent way. If time permits, we will also discuss the structure-preserving numerical discretization to reaction-diffusion equation based on this variational formulation and several applications, in particle, a variational model of a reactive complex fluid, wormlike micellar solutions. The talk is mainly based on several joint works with Prof. Bob Eisenberg, Prof. Chun Liu, and Prof. Cheng Wang.
Meeting ID: 936 4929 5171
Passcode: 918117