Dr. Yangyang Wang, The University of Iowa
Abstract: Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that are intrinsically capable of producing rhythmic patterns of neural activity and are adaptable to sensory feedback to produce robust motor behaviors such as breathing and swallowing. In this talk, I will discuss mathematical tools we developed for understanding intrinsic multiple-time-scale bursting dynamics in CPG neurons as well as robust responses of motor systems to external perturbations. Applications related to respiratory rhythms and motor control in the Aplysia feeding system will be highlighted.
Short Bio: Yangyang Wang is an assistant professor in the mathematics department at the University of Iowa, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute. She received her PhD from the mathematics department at University of Pittsburgh in 2016. Then she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University during 2016-2019.
Her research interests include computational neuroscience and dynamical systems, with a focus on modeling and analyzing multiscale neural dynamics in central pattern generators, sensory feedback control in complex adaptive biological systems and network dynamics.
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