The 14th Annual Southern California Systems Biology Symposium (SoCal SysBio 2025)
Date: Saturday, May 10th, 2025
Location: Life Science 1500, UC Riverside
Join us for the 14th Annual Southern California Systems Biology Symposium (SoCal SysBio 2025), a premier event bringing together researchers from across Southern California to share cutting-edge research, foster community, and stimulate collaborations. This event will provide an opportunity for research groups from academic campuses and hospitals across Southern California to present their latest findings and promote collaborations in all areas of Systems and Computational Biology involving data-driven computational and machine learning modeling. This symposium will feature:
- Invited Talks from leading experts in systems and computational biology
- Lightning Talks for concise, impactful presentations
- Poster Session showcasing the work of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
- The conference registration includes admission to the invited lectures, poster session and hosted lunch.
- $25 per person - Please Register
Parking is free and will be available in LOT 6 Blue on Saturday, May 10th. Any overflow may opt to park in Lots 30 or 13 for free as well.
>Interactive Campus Map
Partial List of Invited Speakers
Organizing Committee
- Mark Alber, UC Riverside
- Weitao Chen, UC Riverside
- Alexander Hoffmann, UCLA
- Arthur Lander, UC Irvine
- Stacey Finley, USC
- Adam MacLean, USC
- Russell Rockne, City of Hope
- Interdisciplinary Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology, University of California Riverside (ICQMB)
- Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside
- College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Riverside
- The Office of Research & Economic Development (RED), University of California, Riverside.